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Topic trao đổi tiếng anh

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#196 kissintherain

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Gửi vào 05/07/2012 - 23:59

Cách kết cấu khác với cách viết bên đây nhỉ.
Thường một bài essay có kết cấu như thế này:
  • Introduction
  • Body
    • First Point, Assertion, Explanation
      • Supporting evidence (examples, facts, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, examples)
      • Supporting evidence
    • Second explanation
      • Support
      • Support
    • Third explanation
      • Support
      • Support
  • Conclusion

#197 Vị Tế

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Gửi vào 06/07/2012 - 01:29

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

kissintherain, on 05/07/2012 - 23:59, said:

Cách kết cấu khác với cách viết bên đây nhỉ.
Thường một bài essay có kết cấu như thế này:
  • Introduction
  • Body
    • First Point, Assertion, Explanation
      • Supporting evidence (examples, facts, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, examples)
      • Supporting evidence
    • Second explanation
      • Support
      • Support
    • Third explanation
      • Support
      • Support
  • Conclusion

Tiểu luận với kết cấu như vầy vẫn thường được dùng cho văn phong khoa học, báo cáo chuyên đề, viết bài báo đăng tạp chí chuyên ngành,...

#198 Diệu Bích

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Gửi vào 04/08/2012 - 22:39

Học Anh văn bằng thơ:

THOUSAND là đúng mười trăm
Ngày DAY, tuần WEEK, YEAR năm, HOUR giờ
WAIT THERE đứng đó đợi chờ
NIGHTMARE ác mộng, DREAM mơ, PRAY cầu

Trừ ra EXCEPT, DEEP sâu
DAUGHTER con gái, BRIDGE cầu, POND ao
ENTER tạm dịch đi vào
Thêm FOR tham dự lẽ nào lại sai

SHOULDER cứ dịch là vai
WRITER văn sĩ, cái đài RADIO
A BOWL là một cái tô
Chữ TEAR nước mắt, TOMB mồ, MISS cô

Máy khâu tạm dịch chữ SEW
Kẻ thù dịch đại là FOE chẳng lầm
SHELTER tạm dịch là hầm
Chữ SHOUT la hét, thì thầm WHISPER

WHAT TIME là hỏi mấy giờ
CLEAR trong, CLEAN sạch, mờ mờ là DIM
Gặp ông ta dịch SEE HIM
SWIM bơi, WADE lội, DROWN chìm chết trôi

MOUTAIN là núi, HILL đồi
VALLEY thung lũng, cây sồi OAK TREE
Tiền xin đóng học SCHOOL FEE
Cho tôi dùng chữ GIVE ME chẳng lầm

TO STEAL đích thị cầm nhầm
Tẩy chay BOYCOTT, gia cầm POULTRY
CATTLE gia súc, ong BEE
SOMETHING TO EAT chút gì để ăn

LIP môi, TONGUE lưỡi, TEETH răng
EXAM thi cử, cái bằng LICENSE...

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#199 Tử Phủ Vũ Tướng

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Gửi vào 06/08/2012 - 10:58


Quite often single people ask, “How do you know if someone is right?” When you ask people who know they are with the right person, they will generally say something like, “Well, I don’t exactly know what to tell you—you just know.” When soul mates fall in love there is simply a recognition. It is as clear and simple as recognizing that the sun is shining today, or the water I am drinking is cool and refreshing, or the rock I am holding is solid. When you are with the right person you just know. This knowing is not in any way dependent on a long list of reasons or qualifications. Soul love is unconditional. When the right person comes along you “just know,” and you spend the rest of your life discovering why he or she is the right person. While this answer is true, it is also very misleading. It could imply that if you don’t “just know,” you are with the wrong person. This is not necessarily true. The most accurate answer to this question is that you “just know” when you have created the right conditions to know, when your heart opens and you happen to be with the right person. If you open your heart and you happen to be with the wrong person, then you “just know” that you are with the wrong person. This knowing who you want to spend your life with comes from opening your heart. Even if you are with the right person, you cannot “just know” if you do not first create the right conditions to open your heart to someone. Moving through the five stages of dating creates the right conditions for you to develop the ability to “just know” when the right person comes along. It also allows you to “just know” when you are with the wrong person. Once you are able to “just know,” then the easy part is to find or be found by the right person. Each decision you make will lead you closer to hitting the target.

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#200 ryan88

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Gửi vào 06/08/2012 - 11:24

chị dịch tài liệu từ lớp pm sang tiếng anh đóa hả

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

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#201 Tử Phủ Vũ Tướng

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Gửi vào 06/08/2012 - 11:26

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

ryan88, on 06/08/2012 - 11:24, said:

chị dịch tài liệu từ lớp pm sang tiếng anh đóa hả

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

Đâu có, tài liệu gốc đó. Another book.

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

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#202 Tử Phủ Vũ Tướng

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Gửi vào 06/08/2012 - 15:48


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#203 ryan88

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Gửi vào 07/08/2012 - 13:42

hé hé hé
hôm qua đến chừ mìn làm 7 bài test tiếng anh...điểm phân bố từ 88-98...riêng bài trước khi ăn trưa dc có 75...vừa ăn cơm vừa thắc mắc sao tệ quá zậy thì bài kế tiếp dc 100
hé hé hé

#204 kiss

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Gửi vào 08/08/2012 - 04:06

Kinh nghiệm học tiếng Anh của mình thì:

1. đọc sách / bài luận viết bởi người bản xứ.

2. học ngữ pháp / để ý prepositions.

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

3. học vocabulary thì nên chú tâm prefix/suffix/roots. Một khi biết roots, pre/suffix thì có thể đóan ra ý nghĩa các từ dễ hơn.

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

có site này học tiếng Anh cũng hay;

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

vài dòng chia xẻ. Hy vọng có ích cho mọi người.


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Gửi vào 13/09/2012 - 03:56

Hôm nay mình mới biết có topic này.

#206 Vô Thường

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Gửi vào 19/09/2012 - 21:50

Dear Ms Ấy Tướng,

It is very nice topic, i have noted with thanks

Looking forward to hearing from you soonest,

He he

Sửa bởi Gabriel.Julian: 19/09/2012 - 21:55

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#207 Tử Phủ Vũ Tướng

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Gửi vào 20/09/2012 - 10:43

Writing topic 4: It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Topic: 4
There are two main channels for people to learn knowledge -from books and from experience. Generally, knowledge gained from books is theoretical, that gained from experience is practical. It is difficult to answer which is more important to we people. It depends on the phases and events of our learning. Knowledge learned from books is instructive, which perhaps cannot learn directly from experience. We often hear thunders and see lightning in the sky, and we can easily find that lightning will be seen sooner than sound will be heard. According to our experience alone, we cannot tell why it had happened. But when we learn some physics in textbooks, we will find the answer clearly that because light travels faster than sound does, it takes less time for light to travel the same distance than for sound. Therefore, book knowledge can inform us some useful theories that can give us general ideas and help us understand the real phenomenon better. In turn, practice knowledge check out the theories gained from books. There is an old Chinese saying that practice is the only criterion of inspecting the truth. So not all knowledge from books is credible, even false. When Aristotle wrote in his transcripts that the earth is the center of our planets, no one doubts this for centuries. However, when Galileo read about it, he did not suspect it at first, but when he made some observation and research, he found it is not the truth. Then comes the new theory—Sun center theory. In our daily life, we can learn much information from practice. To learn swimming, it is useless to be absorbed in reading skills written in books. Only when you learn it in a swimming pool, can you make it. There are still a lot of things you must learn from your own experience, such as driving a car, riding a bicycle, operating a machine. And the most important is that it is often easier learn knowledge from practice than from books. As far as the average people are concerned, it is natural to learn from experience. Primitive people learned skills hand by hand which is the way they were handed down from one generation to another. Modern people also learn things in practice. In workshops, leading workers teach apprentices
carefully; in activity clubs, teachers teach youngsters to be familiar with their hobbies. It is obvious that all of things considered knowledge gained from practice is more close and direct than from the books. Therefore, two kinds of knowledge has importance. For research people , knowledge from books is more important, while for our average people, knowledge from practice is more important. As students, we must first learn knowledge from books well, and at the same time we must have the good sense to tell from what is right and what is wrong.

Topic: 4

We gain our knowledge about the world and our life from two sources from experience and from books. These two resources are both important, but which of them is more important? Knowledge from books forms a very important part of our knowledge structure. In schools and colleges, we learn knowledge which is fundamental to our future career. We learn knowledge from books in order to make our contributions to this society in the future. A student learns
mathematic equations and other scientific knowledge and become a scientist or engineer. We will be illiterate and ignorant without learning knowledge from books. Moreover, we acquire knowledge about life and the world by reading books, magazines and newspapers. This is also very important as we cannot experience everything all by ourselves. Therefore books are a very important source of knowledge. On the other hand, we can't learn everything from a book. “Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliché, but I agree with it. The most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. We learn how to get along with others or how to have self-respect from our experience, not from books. We cannot learn emotional feelings, such as love and care, through books; they come from our real life experience. Knowledge from experience is also a very important supplement to knowledge from books.
Needless to say both learning sources, books and experience, are very important to us. But in my opinion knowledge from experience is more important, because without knowledge from experience, it is impossible to get a real understanding of knowledge from books, and how to apply this knowledge to real world situations.

Sửa bởi Tử Phủ Vũ Tướng: 20/09/2012 - 10:59

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#208 Vô Thường

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Gửi vào 22/09/2012 - 14:13

Khả năng viết của chị ấy tốt quá, càng đọc càng phục... E sẽ cố viết từ đoạn ngắn viết đi vậy, có gì sai chị sửa giúp em nhé... he he

Sửa bởi Gabriel.Julian: 22/09/2012 - 14:15

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#209 Tử Phủ Vũ Tướng

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Gửi vào 22/09/2012 - 14:32

C suu tam day. Copy and paste

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#210 Diệu Bích

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Gửi vào 22/09/2012 - 17:30

Australian Roman Catholic Church admits child sex abuse

Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn

The church says it is still investigating 45 other cases

The Roman Catholic Church in the Australian state of Victoria has confirmed that more than 600 children have been sexually abused by its priests since the 1930s.
The Archbishop of Melbourne, Denis Hart, described the figures as "horrific and shameful".
They were released in a submission to a state parliamentary inquiry into the handling of abuse cases.
Campaigners say the true number of abuse victims could be up to 10,000.
In its submission, the church said the 620 cases went back 80 years with the majority taking place between the 1960s and the 1980s.
It says it is still investigating a further 45 cases.
In a statement, Archbishop Hart said it was important to be open "about the horrific abuse that has occurred in Victoria and elsewhere".
"We look to this inquiry to assist the healing of those who have been abused, to examine the broad context of the church's response, especially over the last 16 years, and to make recommendations to enhance the care for victims and preventative measures that are now in place," the statement said.
Campaign groups say that many cases of abuse have gone unreported, and they believe the true number of victims is closer to 10,000 in Victoria alone.
Abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests has been a major issue in Australia recent years.
During a visit to Australia in July 2008, Pope Benedict XVI met some of the victims and made a public apology for the abuse.


Vui lòng Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký hội viên để đọc nội dung đã ẩn


Sửa bởi DieuBich: 22/09/2012 - 17:32

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